Before we start, it should be noted that most treadmills are not medical devices and manufacturers of residential and the typical commercial treadmills that you would find in your local gym don't claim that the heart rate readouts are accurate enough to be used for medical purposes. However, the HR readouts should be good enough to help healthy people stay in their target workout zone.
To achieve that goal, the heart rate numbers displayed
must be consistent and reasonably accurate, which they are when the heart
rate system is functioning properly. Wide fluctuations in the beats per minute
displayed can be caused by several circumstances.
Some treadmill users prefer to wear a heart rate chest strap. The HR straps must detect the user's heart rate and transmit the information via a radio signal to the treadmill, where it is received, interpreted and displayed. The problem is that many environmental factors, such as, electrical "noise" from
nearby fluorescent lights, electric motors in appliances like a refrigerator,
an air conditioner and the like. Even some burglar alarms can cause interference
with the heart rate signal. In commercial fitness centers the heart rate
signal is sometimes picked up from the heart rate chest straps worn by people
on nearby treadmills. To see if any of these possibilities is the cause of
your erratic HR readout, try moving the treadmill to another location. Also,
remember that in order to work properly, the heart rate chest strap must
make firm , continuous contact with moist skin.
If the user is not wearing a HR chest strap and is
relying on the treadmill's hand contacts (HR sensors), a firm continuous
grip must be maintained with both hands. Loosening a grip, even momentarily,
can cause wild swings in the heart rate display. Also, the heart rate contacts
must be clean and free of oils, hand cream, dirt, grime, etc. They can easily
be cleaned with alcohol wipes.
Also, the heart rate pick up sensors may not work well
for people with dry skin or who have had a broken bone in one of their arms
at some point in their life. Typically, if the heart rate grips work correctly
for even one person, the treadmill is not at fault.
The remaining cause of an erratic heart rate display
is, of course, the treadmill itself. If you are satisfied that the erratic
HR readout is not cause by the aforementioned common causes, you will need
the assistance of a qualified treadmill repair technician.