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Empire Fitness Services
Empire Fitness Services
Empire Fitness Services
Empire Fitness Services
Empire Fitness Services
Empire Fitness Services
Empiire Fitness Services



The age alone of a treadmill is not a reason to replace it. As long as it has been maintained and is still safe, like an older car, there is no reason to stop using it.

That being said in the defense of the older treadmill, there are some points to consider. Treadmill manufacturers are constantly working to improve their products and the newer units are generally better machines than those of a decade or more ago. Generally speaking, the newer treadmills consume less power, have updated safety features, are usually wider, and have more bells and whistles, such as, more programs, heart rate option, interactive programs, fans, cup holders, and some even have built in televisions.

When dealing with quality treadmills, it is typically less expensive to repair one then it is to replace it with a new treadmill of comparable quality. However, when residential treadmills reach the ten to twelve year mark, some parts become scarce or not available at all. This isn't important while your vintage treadmill is functional, but if you rely on it for your cardiovascular routine, you may suddenly find yourself without a treadmill and feel that you have to rush out replace it and it may not be a convenient time for you to research the newer treadmills and try them out.

So, to conclude, if your treadmill enters that age window of ten to twelve years, check with your fitness equipment service company as to the availability of parts for your particular make and model. If the major components, such as, the motor controller, walking belt and deck, the drive motor, the drive roller or the idler roller are no longer available, now is the time to start shopping for a new treadmill, while you are not under pressure to make a purchase.


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